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December 06, 2014


Jonathan Kaplan

Please include me as a co-signatory:

Jonathan Kaplan
Associate Professor of Philosophy
Oregon State University
[Affiliation provided for identification purposes only and does not imply speaking on behalf of the institution.]

Hugh Miller

I concur.

Hugh Miller
Assistant Professor
Department of Philosophy
Loyola University Chicago

Eva Dadlez

I concur.

Eva Dadlez
Department of Humanities and Philosophy
University of Central Oklahoma



George Ciccariello-Maher
Assistant Professor
Department of Politics
Drexel University

B Honig

Please add my name
Bonnie Honig
Brown University
Depts of Political Science and Modern Culture and Media

Erik Loomis


Erik Loomis
Assistant Professor
Department of History
University of Rhode Island

Kevin Bruyneel

I concur

Kevin Bruyneel
Associate Professor of Politics
History & Society Division
Babson College, Wellesley, MA

Antti Kauppinen

What an embarrassment for University of Oregon and its leadership.

Antti Kauppinen
Assistant Professor
Department of Philosophy
Trinity College Dublin



Natalia Cecire
Lecturer in English and American Literature
University of Sussex (UK)

Hassan Melehy


Hassan Melehy
Professor of French and Francophone Studies
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

I'd like to make a further observation on the disparity between President Coltrane's scholarly work on the importance of family leave and his actions in this case: he is sending the strongest of messages that scholarly work has no bearing on the real world, which is a gross insult to the entire academic mission of the University of Oregon and completely unbecoming of its chief administrator.

owen flanagan

Owen Flanagan
James B. Duke University Professor of Philosophy
Duke University
Durham NC 27701

Justin Weinberg

Please include me as a co-signer.
Justin Weinberg
Associate Professor of Philosophy
University of South Carolina

Ed kazarian


Edward Kazarian
Department of Philosophy and Religion Studies
Rowan Unviersity

Aleksandar Jokic

Aleksandar Jokic
Professor of Philosophy
Portland State University
Portland, OR 97207

Seth Kahn

I sent an individual letter before I saw this, but am happy to sign onto this one too.

Seth Kahn
Professor of English
West Chester University of PA

Lucy Schultz


Lucy Schultz
Assistant Professor of Philosophy
Midwestern State University
Wichita Falls, TX 76301

Dana Howard


Dana Howard
Postdoctoral Fellow in Philosophy
Ohio State University

Aidan McGlynn

Please include me too:

Aidan McGlynn
Department of Philosophy
University of Edinburgh

Helen De Cruz


Helen De Cruz
British Academy postdoctoral Fellow
University of Oxford

Bijan Parsia


Bijan Parsia
Reader in Computer Science
University of Manchester, UK

Elizabeth Reis

Consider us signed:
Elizabeth Reis
Professor and Chair, Women's and Gender Studies Department
University of Oregon
Eugene, OR 97403

Matthew Dennis
Professor of History
University of Oregon
Eugene, OR 97403

Manuela Ceballos, Department of Religious Studies, University of Tennessee-Knoxville


Nicole Pacino


Nicole Pacino
Assistant Professor
University of Alabama in Huntsville

Matt DeForrest

Please include me as well:

Matthew M. DeForrest, Ph.D.
Interim Chair of Languages and Literature
Associate Professor of English
Johnson C. Smith University

Dr. Philip J. Howe

I concur.

Andrew Dilts

Please add my name:

Andrew Dilts
Assistant Professor
Department of Political Science
Loyola Marymount University

Elizabeth Picciuto

Elizabeth Picciuto
Adjunct Lecturer in Philosophy
University of Maryland, Baltimore County

Eric M. Fink


Eric M. Fink
Associate Professor of Law
Elon University School of Law
Greensboro, North Carolina

Aaron Bae

Co-signed, in solidarity.

Aaron Bae
Graduate Teaching Associate, History
School of Historical, Philosophical & Religious Studies
Arizona State University

Adriel Trott

I concur.

Adriel M. Trott
Asst. Professor
Dept. of Philosophy
Wabash College

Cheryl lemus

Please add my name.
Cheryl Lemus
Assistant Professor of History
Ashford University

Andrew Behrendt

Andrew Behrendt
Ph.D. Candidate
Dept. of History
University of Pittsburgh
Pittsburgh, PA

Danielle Olden

I concur.

Danielle Olden
Assistant Professor of History
University of Utah

Matthew Titolo


Matthew Titolo
Associate Professor of Law
West Virginia University College of Law
Morgantown, West Virginia

M. Claire Saxton

I would be honored to be included as a co-signatory:

M. Claire Saxton
University of Oregon MBA '04

Christian Lotz

Please add my name

Christian Lotz
Associate Professor of Philosophy
Michigan State University

Yevan Terrien

Yevan Terrien
Ph.D. Candidate
Dept. of History
University of Pittsburgh
Pittsburgh, PA

Stephanie LeMenager


Stephanie LeMenager
Moore Professor of English
University of Oregon

Adelina Stefan

Adelina Stefan
Ph.D. Candidate in History
University of Pittsburgh

Ian Brooks


Ian Brooks
Lecturer, Department of Philosophy
University of British Columbia

Katherine Knowles

I concur with the letter above. The right to strike in the process of negotiations regarding working conditions is crucial to this democracy. The preservation of integrity in relationships between teachers and students is also fundamental to our education system. I support the rights of these graduate students to strike for better working conditions. Without their mentorship and contributions OUR university system would not exist. Stop the intimidation and sit down to negotiate the benefits they deserve.

Gideon Rosen

Gideon Rosen
Stuart Professor of Philosophy
Princeton University

Jacqueline Antonovich

Co-signed in solidarity.

Jacqueline D. Antonovich
PhD Candidate in History
University of Michigan

Ina Roy-Faderman

Ina Roy-Faderman, M.D., Ph.D.
Oregon State University

Dana Rognlie

Add me!

Dana Rognlie
PhD Candidate
University of Oregon

Mariana Grajales

Mariana Grajales
PhD Candidate in comparative literature
SUNY Binghamton

Kara Fitzgibbon

Kara Fitzgibbon
Ph.D. Candidate
Dept. of Sociology
University of Virginia

Samir Chopra


Samir Chopra
Professor of Philosophy
Brooklyn College and Graduate Center of CUNy

Michelle Marie

The way GTFs are being treated is shameful, particularly considering Dr. Coltrane's own area of expertise.

Michelle Marie
Ph.D. Candidate
School of Design and Human Environment
Oregon State University

Derek Baker


Derek Baker
Assistant Professor of Philosophy
Lingnan University
Hong Kong SAR

Meggan Bilotte

In Solidarity.

Meggan Woodbury Bilotte
PhD Candidate in History
University of Wisconsin-Madison

Blake Hereth

Please add my name.

Blake Hereth
Adjunct Professor of Philosophy
Drake University

Andrea Binder

Andrea Mary Binder
Graduate Student
Department of Anthropology
University of Wyoming

Arthur Kirkpatrick

Co-signed in solidarity:

Arthur Kirkpatrick
Associate Professor of Computing Science
Simon Fraser University
Surrey BC Canada

U of O Ph.D. 2000
Former VP External Relations GTFF Local 3544

John R. Pincince

Co-signed, I concur, and in solidarity,

John R. Pincince
Director, Asian Studies Program
Advanced Lecturer
Department of History
Loyola Univeristy-Chicago

cheyney ryan

Add me.

Cheyney Ryan
Oxford/U of Oregon

Cas Mudde

Co-signed in solidarity

Cas Mudde
Associate Professor in International Affairs
University of Georgia
(Visiting Associate Professor University of Oregon 2008-9)

Evan C. Paul

I support this statement wholeheartedly.

Evan C. Paul
PhD in Music Composition
Former GTF in Music Theory
University of Oregon

Cheryl Abbate

Cheryl Abbate
PhD Candidate, Philosophy
Marquette University

Brian Leslie

Oh this is so low!


Brian Leslie
PhD Candidate
Department of Communication Studies
Louisiana State University

Carrie Adkins

I concur. I am so disappointed in my alma mater.

Carrie Adkins
PhD in History, 2013, University of Oregon

Benjamin Johnson

Please add my signature.

Benjamin H. Johnson
Assistant Professor of History
Loyola University Chicago


Christopher Ruth
U Oregon MA 2004 Philosophy

Ingo Brigandt

Include me as a co-signatory.

Ingo Brigandt
Associate Professor of Philosophy and Canada Research Chair in Philosophy of Biology
University of Alberta

Jennifer Cypher

Co-signed in solidarity as an academic, and as the child of three parents who did degrees at the U of O.

Jennifer Cypher
Adjuct Professor of Environmental Studies
York University
Toronto, Canada

michael meranze

Please add my name

Michael Meranze
Department of History

Jonathan Livengood

Add my name as well:

Jonathan Livengood
Assistant Professor of Philosophy
University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign

Matt Weiner


Matt Weiner
Associate Professor of Philosophy
University of Vermont

Terrance La-Shon Archibald

I concur:

Terrance La-Shon Archibald
MSW Student
University of Missouri-Columbia

Sophie Wodzak

I concur:

Sophie Wodzak
Department of English
Carnegie Mellon University

Robin Anne Reid

Robin Anne Reid
Professor of Literature and Languages
Department of Literature and Languages
Texas A&M University-Commerce
(Affiliation provided for identification only; I do not speak for my university. I'd also note that Texas has a law against collective bargaining by state employees which means, effectively no unions for faculty at any level.)

Lynne Tirrell

Please add my name. This is outrageous.
Lynne Tirrell
Associate Professor of Philosophy
U Mass Boston

David Wacks

David Wacks
Associate Professor of Spanish
University of Oregon

Brandon Kendhammer


Brandon Kendhammer
Dept. of Political Science
Ohio University (obviously, I don't speak for my institution).


Please add my name.
Alex Marcellesi
Graduate Student, Philosophy
UC San Diego


I add my name to list of signatories:

Katja Thieme
University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada

Mark Alfano

Thank you to all the co-signers. I am deeply moved by your support for the grad students and academic integrity at the university of oregon. Tonight is the first time I have cried in nine years.

Ben Burgis

Ben Burgis
Assistant Professor of Philosophy
Yonsei University (Republic of Korea)

Regina Mills

Regina Mills
PhD Student and Assistant Instructor
Department of English
University of Texas at Austin

William Harbaugh

Please add my name:

William Harbaugh
Professor of Economics
University of Oregon

Roberta Millstein

Please add my name:

Roberta L Millstein
Professor, Philosophy
University of California, Davis

Gayle Greene

Please add my name
Gayle Greene
professor, English
Scripps College
Claremont, Ca

Mary Jaeger

Mary Jaeger
Professor, Classics
Program Director, Humanities
University of Oregon

Kevin S Decker


Kevin S Decker
Professor of Philosophy
Eastern Washington University

Roland Greene


Roland Greene
Professor of English and Comparative Literature
Stanford University

Former UO faculty member, 1993-2000



Husni Abu Bakar
PhD Candidate
Dept. of Comparative Literature
UC Riverside


I agree wholeheartedly. The cynicism and ill will of the UO's behavior toward its graduate employees betrays the very idea of a university.

Ira Allen
Assistant Professor
Department of English
American University of Beirut

Burak Ozcetin

Please add my name
Assist. Prof. Dr. Burak Özçetin
Akdeniz University, Turkey


Erica D. Musser, PhD
Assistant Professor of Psychology
Florida International University
Miami, FL 33199
UO Alumnus (2013) and former GTF

André Krouwel

Please include me as well:
André Krouwel
Lecturer of Political Science and Communication
VU University Amsterdam

Charles Tung

Charles M. Tung
Associate Professor of English
Seattle University

Julia Chang

Julia Chang
Assistant Professor
Brown University

Kristina Gehrman

Kristina Gehrman
Assistant Professor of Philosophy
University of Tennessee, Knoxville

David Kolb

David A. Kolb
Charles A. Dana Professor Emeritus of Philosophy
Bates College

Teresa Coronado

Teresa Coronado
Associate Professor, English
University of Wisconsin-Parkside

Rebecca Bamford

Rebecca Bamford
Assistant Professor of Philosophy
Quinnipiac University

Cara Bohon

Cara Bohon
Assistant Professor
Department of Psychiatry
Stanford University
PhD from University of Oregon 2010 and former GTF

Tom Digby

Tom Digby
Professor of Philosophy
Springfield College
Springfield, Massachusetts

Dr Martin Leyland, Research Support Officer, Teesside University, UK


Andrea Lowgren

Andrea Lowgren
U of Oregon alum
History and Women's Studies
Portland Community College

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